ITEM NO.3                      COURT NO.3                   SECTION X
                                 S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A
                                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
                           Writ Petition(s)(Criminal) No(s). 108/2014
               YAKUB ABDUL RAZAK MEMON                                Petitioner(s)
               REGISTRAR, SUPREME COURT OF INDIA & ORS.               Respondents(s)
               (With appln.(s) for ex-Parte     stay and Office Report)
               Date : 02/06/2014 This petition was called on for hearing today.
               CORAM :
                               HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR
                               HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE C NAGAPPAN
                                         (VACATION BENCH)
               For Petitioner(s)           Mr.U.Hazarika, Sr.Adv.
                                           Mr.Faisal Farook, Adv.
                                           Mrs. Priya Puri, Adv.
                                           Mr.Shubail Farook, Adv.
                                           Mr.Purnendu Keshav, Adv.
               For Respondent(s)
                         UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                                                O R D E R
                           Issue notice.
                           Tag with W.P.(Crl.)No.77 of 2014.
                           In the meanwhile, there shall be stay of execution of
               the death sentence awarded to the petitioner.
               (SATISH KUMAR YADAV)                            (PHOOLAN WATI ARORA)
Signature Not Verified
                  COURT MASTER
Digitally signed by
                                                                ASSISTANT REGISTRAR
Satish Kumar Yadav
Date: 2014.06.02
17:09:23 IST