ITEM NO.14 COURT NO.2 SECTION PIL (W) S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Writ Petition(s)(Civil) No(s). 722/2014 WE THE CITIZENS Petitioner(s) VERSUS UNION OF INDIA AND ANR. Respondent(s) Date :19/08/2014 This petition was called on for hearing today. CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE H.L. DATTU HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE S.A. BOBDE For Petitioner(s) Mr. K.N. Bhat, Sr. Adv. Mr. Barun Kumar Sinha, Adv. Mr. Rajeev Ranjan Pathak, Adv. Mr. Anantha narayana M.G., Adv. Mr. Rameshwar Prasad Goyal,Adv. For Respondent(s) UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following O R D E R Notice. [ Charanjeet Kaur ] [ Vinod Kulvi ] Court Master Asstt. Registrar