money-1050403_640Observing that ethics and morals have taken a back seat  in the modern India’s scheme of things and that corruption can be beaten if all work together, Justice AB Chaudhary of the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court has observed in an order:

To eradicate the cancer of corruption the “hydra headed monster”, it is now a high time for the citizens to come together to tell their Governments that they have had enough. That is this miasma of corruption. If the same continues, taxpayers’ may resort to refuse to pay taxes by ‘non­cooperation movement’.

Bench made this observations while hearing an anticipatory bail application filed by one Pralhad Pawar, district manager of Lokshahir Annabhau Sathe Vikas Mahamandal at Bhandara, Maharashtra who is an accused in a case relating to misappropriation and embezzlement of 385 crore meant for uplift of dalit ‘Matang’ community. Pawar has been charged for offences punishable under Sections 408, 409, 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Bench opined that how this huge amount of  385 crore will come back, is a million dollar question. It observed:

For the last over two decades, this has become the order of the day and sordid state of affairs; whereas the taxpayers’ are merely looking at this grim situation. Does the taxpayers pay the money to the Government for such kind of acrobatics being played.
…There is a onerous responsibility on those who govern to prove to the taxpayers that eradication of corruption would not prove for them a “forlorn hope”.

Bench further observed:

It is surprising that the Unions of Central or State Government employees, whether politically affiliated or otherwise, make demonstrations for demanding  the application of VII Pay Commission, but they do not condemn, outcast or demonstrate against their counterpart bureaucracy indulging in corruption. On the contrary, they provide support.

Observing the above, single judge of the High Court dismissed the anticipatory bail application of the applicant.
Complete order can be read here.