CU.P.(C) 88-102/14 1 CHAMBER MATTER SECTION XIV S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Curative Petition (Civil) Nos.88-102 of 2014 In Review Petition (Civil) Nos.41-55 of 2014 In Civil Appeal Nos.10972, 10974, 10986, 10981, 10983, 10984, 10975, 10973, 10985, 10976, 10980, 10982, 10977, 10978 & 10979 of 2013 NAZ FOUNDATION TRUST Petitioner(s) VERSUS SURESH KUMAR KOUSHAL & ORS Respondent(s) (With appln(s) for stay, directions, oral hearing and office report) WITH Curative Petition (C) No.103/2014 in R.P.(C) No.219/2014 in C.A. No.10972/2013 (With office report) Curative Petition (C) No.104/2014 in R.P.(C) No.198/2014 in C.A. No.10972/2013 (With appln.(s) for stay, oral hearing, exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment and office report) Curative Petition (C) No.105/2014 in R.P.(C) No.202/2014 in C.A. No.10972/2013 (With office report) Curative Petition (C) No.106/2014 in R.P.(C) No.221/2014 in C.A. No.10972/2013 (With appln.(s) for oral hearing, stay, exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment, permission to file synopsis and list of dates and office report) Curative Petition (C) No.107/2014 in R.P.(C) No.211/2014 in C.A. No.10972/2013 (With appln.(s) for exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment and office report) Curative Petition (C) Nos.108-119/2014 in R.P.(C) No.222-233/2014 in C.A. Nos.10972, 10974, 10986, 10981, 10984, 10985, 10976, 10980, 10977, 10978, 10979 and 10973/2013 (With appln.(s) for oral hearing, stay, exemption from filing c/c of the impugned judgment, permission to file synopsis and list of dates, permission to file additional documents and office report) CU.P.(C) 88-102/14 2 Date: 22/04/2014 These Petitions were circulated today. CORAM : HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE R.M. LODHA HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE H.L. DATTU HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SUDHANSU JYOTI MUKHOPADHAYA UPON perusing papers the Court made the following O R D E R List in the Court next week. (Chetan Kumar) (Savita Sainani) Court Master Assistant Registrar