1 ITEM NO.58 COURT NO.1 SECTION IIB S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Crl.) No(s). 7900/2014 (Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated 07/10/2014 in IA No. 1/2014 in CRA No. 835/2014 passed by the High Court of Karnataka At Bangalore) J JAYALALITHAA Petitioner(s) VERSUS STATE OF TAMIL NADU REP. BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE DV AND AC, CHENNAI Respondent(s) WITH SLP(Crl) No. 7906-7908/2014 (With Office Report) Date : 18/12/2014 These petitions were called on for hearing today. CORAM : HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE A.K. SIKRI HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE R.K. AGRAWAL For Petitioner(s) Mr. K.T.S. Tulsi, Sr. Adv. Mr. B. Kumar, Sr. Adv. Mr. C. Mani Shankar, Adv. Mr. Senthil, Adv. Mr. Ashokaw, Adv. Ms. Meha Aggarwal, Adv. Mr. Gaurav Bhargava, Adv. Mr. Raj Kamal, Adv. Mr. Gaurav Agarwal, Adv. Signature Not Verified Mr. Rupesh Kumar,Adv. Digitally signed by NEETU KHAJURIA Date: 2014.12.18 For Respondent(s) 17:05:53 IST Reason: Dr. Subramanian Swamy, In person Mr. Ishkaran Singh Bhndari,Adv. Intervenor-in-person,Adv. 2 UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following O R D E R Pursuant to the directions issued by this Court dated 17.10.2014, the petitioners have been released on bail. Petitioners have filed an affidavit dated 10.12.2014 to the effect that the entire records of the trial court has been filed before the High Court. From the affidavit, it is clear that necessary records have been filed and the appeals are ripe for hearing. Keeping in view the peculiar facts of the case, we request the learned Chief Justice of High Court of Karnataka to constitute a Special Bench on the date of reopening of the High Court for hearing of the appeals exclusively on day-to-day basis and dispose of the same as early as possible at any rate within three months. Bail granted by us earlier is extended by another four months from today. Call these special leave petitions on 17.04.2015. Sr.P.A. Assistant Registrar